3月16日の地震の被害、支援関係 The current situation in Minamisoma after the earthquake on March 16th
夜11時38分 震度6強の地震。1度目がちょっと収まってほっとしたところで2度目の大きな揺れ、長く続いたのでどうなることかと思いました。3時頃までテレビを見たりして、なかなか寝られない夜でした。
- At 23:38 on March 16th, there was a big earthquake, seismic intensity 6+. After the quake stopped, we felt now it's over, and right after that there was another quake which was bigger than the first one. It was scary. At our Minamimachi house, some glasses and plates were thrown out of the cupboard and broken into pieces. Fortunately there were 2 staff members and a volunteer, all men, staying at Caritas Minamisoma. During the night they cleared what was broken or fallen down from the shelves.
カリタス南相馬の関係の方達の安否確認で皆の無事を知って安心。カリタス南相馬の食堂兼ホールはいろいろなものが倒れたり、壊れたりしましたが、ボランティアとスタッフの3人の男性が泊まっていたので、 夜のうちに、きれいに片付けて下さいました。
- Everyone we know was all safe. The damages were huge, especially in Soma and Kashima area. No water, no electricity. We asked some of our friends and graduates of the Sacred Heart schools to send us bottles of water, which came soon after we asked. We are very touched by their quick action. We are grateful to the Japan Province for their financial support.
- The
boxes of water in plastic bottles were immediately delivered to the people in
need through the councils of social welfare. We also received support money
from many of our graduates. With those
donations, we could buy not only water, but also blue/silver tarps for the roof
藤野さんグループ Mr. Fujino group
- The
members are from different prefectures: Aichi, Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo. They came to Caritas Minamisoma on March
20th, when we were not able to accept volunteers due to the COVID-19 prevention
measures. For two days they had to stay
in a tent or in a car that were set in our parking area. We felt sorry for them as it was very cold
those two days. However, after that we were able to offer them meals and two
rooms to stay in. Their volunteer
activity was to repair the roof tiles that were damaged by the earthquake on
March 16th, especially in Soma and Kashima area. The group also helped deliver
water bottles to the people in need. We
are very grateful to them.
- In Soma city two of our staff members
visited the houses of our elderly friends, the Haramachi church members. The
house of one of them was terribly damaged:
All the glass doors were broken, the wall of the entrance was coming
off, and the concrete fence had fallen down.
The cold wind was blowing through the house. Our staff members helped move a heavy chest
of drawers and other heavy things. The
house does not seem to be in good enough condition for them to live in. The
mother is a graduate of the University of the Sacred Heart. She lives with her daughter.
− ウクライナ支援のため、小高の双葉屋旅館でコンテナをウクライナの国旗の色に塗り替える。カリタス南相馬よりシスター北村、シスター畠中が参加。ペンキ塗りの後は、旅館の杉田さんによるウクライナの話と勉強会。原発の事故のことでウクライナと双葉屋旅館は交流を続けている。
- In order to show our support
for Ukraine, the Futabaya Ryokan in Odaka asked some volunteers to paint a shed
in their parking area with the colors of the Ukrainian flag, blue and
yellow. Some of our Caritas Minamisoma
members joined the event. Futabaya
Ryokan has a strong connection with the people of Ukraine because of the
nuclear power explosion accident.
− 3月10日、11日東日本大震災と福島第一原発事故の犠牲者のための命の行進と祈り、同慶寺での追悼法要に参加。コロナのこともあり参加者は少なかったです。
- In March there are many events to remember the East Japan Great Earthquake in March 2011. We participated in the March for Life together with Buddhist temple people and Nichirennshu people. There was also a memorial prayer service at Dokeiji temple in Odaka.