


Newly ordained Bishop Gakutan came to Haramachi Catholic Church. The only one Catholic child in the church, whom we have known since her kindergarten time, received the sacrament of confirmation by the two bishops. She is now a middle school student. It was a great joy for the church, too. 


The 'Samurai Festival' (warriors festival) was held after two year break due to the COVID-19 in Haramachi. It is organized mainly by high school/university student volunteers from the local area.
Four Sacred Heart University students participated in the event. There were mock battles between Soma clan vs Date clan, traditional folk dances by a group of children who are members of the preservation society, horseback riding experiences, etc.


原町カトリック教会に時々来ているベトナムからのFさん。技能実習生として日本に来て、日本語も上手で職場では通訳として活躍しています。日本に来て出会った方と結婚。2人ともカトリック信者で、すべてベトナム語のミサ。 あいにく冷たい雨の日でしたが、教会一杯の友達に祝福され、すばらしい結婚式でした。
A wedding Mass for the Vietnamese couple at Haramachi Catholic Church. They came to Japan as technical trainees and the two got to know each other through the work. The bride comes to the church on Sundays when she can take a day off. The newly wed couple was blessed by many Vietnamese friends who came to the Mass, which was celebrated all in Vietnamese. It was a beautiful ceremony.


Mr. Fujino's volunteer group came back after having a short break. Listening to their sharing of their activity everyday, we could feel how much the people appreciated their work of repairing the roof tiles and were grateful. There were clients who were watching the repair work all the time, and were very impressed by the sincerity of the group, by the way they work. 


に車で行ってきました。実際に自分の目でその現場を見て、被害のひどさに驚きました。 屋根瓦がぐちゃぐちゃ、道路には亀裂、ガードレールは倒れ、トンネルの入り口を塞ぐ崖崩れの大きな岩、歩道橋の一部が完全に崩壊。
The disaster that was brought about by the March 16th earthquake was really huge. In Matsukawaura and Shinchi, that are in Kashima area, so many roof tiles are all broken and scattered, the cracks on the streets, bent guard rails, a broken pedestrian bridge. . . .  

さゆり幼稚園 さつまいもの苗植え

Planting of seedlings of sweet potatoes by Sayuri Kindergarten kids.
It has been an annual event, but this year the children came to the garden of our Sacred Heart house. About 25 kids came and planted the seedlings. They also enjoyed weeding in the garden, seeing the flowers of watermelons, tangerines and blueberries. It was a great experience for many of them to touch the soil. Some of them were not happy at all getting their hands dirty.