

昨年と今年3月に退職された2人の先生が二泊三日でカリタスに来られ、シスター畠中の案内で、南は小高、浪江、双葉、大熊、北は北和泉、新地、原釜等、東電の廃炉資料館をまわることができました。月曜日の朝はさゆり幼稚園のおにぎり作りにも参加していただき、充実した三日間を過ごしていただけたと思います。A tour of Minamisoma for Tokyo Sacred Heart school teachers Two teachers who retired this March came to Minamisoma for three days. Sr. Hatanaka gave a tour of Odaka, Namie, Futaba, Ohkuma, Kitaizumi, Haragama, and TEPCO Decommissioning Archive Center. They also participated in making onigiri and soup for the Sayuri Kindergarten. 

3月16日の地震の被害の多かった相馬、鹿島の屋根の修理に今月も5−6人の方が来られて、大活躍でした。メンバーに は栃木県から真言宗の住職さんもおられ、ほら貝を吹いて下さいました。希望者には吹かせてもくださり、試しましたが、どうやっても音が出せませんでした。地元での屋根の修理講習会にも参加され、指導もされたようです。場所によってはブロック塀の修理もあったようです。- Mr. Fujino's Volunteer group In order to repair the damages done by the March 16th earthquake in Minamisoma area, the group came back again this month. The members are from various parts of Japan, and among them was a young Buddhist priest from Tochigi prefecture. He could play the conch shell, and let us try it. It was very difficult to blow. The members were all very eager to learn from one another and also to attend a workshop how to repair the roof tiles in a better way. We were very impressed by their attitude. 

まごころサロンの関係の方からの依頼でUniversity of Pennsylvaniaの歴史・社会学の教授で原子力、放射線等の被爆者について研究をされているMs. Susan Lindeeの現地案内にシスター畠中と同行しました。以前に広島大学で一学期間、勉強されたこともあるとのことで、今回も広島、長崎を回って2週間滞在されて帰国ということでした。 We had a visitor from the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Susan Lindee is a historian/sociologist interested in the research of the victims of nuclear power and radiation. Sr. Hatanaka and myself gave a tour of the disaster area. After Fukushima, she went to Hiroshima and Nagasaki for another couple of weeks. She had been in Hiroshima before for her research. 

日本女子修道会総長管区長会企画 の「いのちの旅」はコロナ禍でしばらく中止していましたが今年、久しぶりに再開。聖霊会のシスター村上がコーディネーター、シスター畠中が現地案内でした。参加者は6名。聖母訪問会、援助マリア修道会、聖霊会、天使の聖母宣教修道女会、サレジアンシスター。夕食をカリタスで一緒にできたので、現地を見学しての感想等伺うことができました。夕食後に元相馬市町の桜井氏、幸田司教さまの話も一緒に聞くことができました。The Association of Major Superiors of Women Religious in Japan had a three day tour of Minamisoma with 6 participants this June. It was the first time after two year break due to the COVID-19. The participants were from 5 different congregations. They had supper with us at Caritas Minamisoma, with talks by the former Minamisoma Mayor, Mr. Sakurai, and by Bishop Kazuo Koda after supper. Sr. Murakami (Holy Spirit Sister) was coordinator and Sr. Hatanaka (RSCJ) was the tour guide. They all had a very meaningful experience.

1ヶ月前に原町教会で結婚式を挙げたベトナム人のご夫婦がカリタス南相馬にきて夕食にベトナム料理を作って下さいました。2人が一緒に休みを取れる時が難しいようでした。両親から離れて外国での生活なのでカリタス南相馬が親代わりにいつでも来られる場所になればよいと思っています。 The young Vietnamese couple, married at Haramachi Church a month ago, came to Caritas Minamisoma and cooked a delicious Vietnamese dish for us. Both of them are very good cooks. The husband is a professional cook at an elderly people's home, and the wife works at a supermarket. She has been away from home for 5 years now. They plan to visit their relatives back home early next year. We hope that they can come to Caritas Minamisoma as their home whenever they feel like coming.