野馬追い 火の祭り Soma Nomaoi and the fire festival
昔のように家の窓からとか2階から見るのは無礼になるので禁止。何しろ400騎近くのお 行列、沿道には地元の人、遠くから来られた方がたがいっぱい。
7月24日(日)の夜には小高で「火の祭り」花火小高川沿いで行われ、かがり火が畑のあぜ道に灯されます。カリタスから3人で見に行き、小高の同慶寺さんの境内の階段に座って見ていました。After a two year break Soma Nomaoi was held at the end of the month of
July. It is a traditional horse festival
that has a history of over 1000 years. This year Soma Toshitane, the 14 years
old son of Soma Michitane, 34th general of Soma clan, was the supreme
commander. The house of the Sacred Heart community in Minamimachi is located on
the road called 'Nomaoi Street'. When hearing the sound of the hoofs, we can
see the armed Samurai horsemen procession that is heading for the Hibarigaoka
Field in Haramachi. Nearly 400 horses!
We are not allowed to watch the procession from the windows of our house or
from the second floor windows, which are thought to be impolite as it was in
the past. We go out and watch the
procession in the street. In the evening of Sunday July 24, the second day of the festival, there
were fireworks in Odaka. Alongside the
rice field were torchlights, which were to welcome back the armed Samurai
horsemen from Hibarigahara Field. Three
of us from Caritas Minamisoma enjoyed the fireworks sitting on the steps on the
grounds of Dokeiji Temple.
現地案内 Welcoming volunteers
今年の夏は久しぶりにいくつかの学校から高校生のボランティア、聖心関係の卒業生、家族を迎えての現地案内等ができました。カリタス南相馬らしい活動ができて喜びでした。高校生たちの活動は暑い中でしたが、主として草刈りでした。This summer after a long break due to Covid-19, we welcomed high school students from several places: Tosei Gakuen in Kiyose, Tokyo, and Kyoto Gyosei High School. We also had two alums of the University of the Sacred Heart, and two families of Fuji Sacred Heart graduates. The activities were mainly weeding in a couple of places, and a tour of the disaster areas along the coast of Tohoku.
京都暁星高校生たち 8名
聖心大卒業生 2人
不二聖心卒業生2家族 5名
現地案内の後の高校生の声を紹介 Some comments,
reflections of the high school students
「自分たちはあの時まだ5−6歳であまりよくわかっていなかった。テレビで見るくらいだった。今、遺構となっている小学校を見てショックを受けた。」 'We were
only 5 or 6 years old when the huge earthquake happened and didn't know much
about the disaster. When I went inside
the remains of the school buildings, I was shocked. It was so different from what I had seen on
the TV news.'
「小学校の校長先生とか保護者とか近所の方々のおかげで助かった子どもたちがいる。凄いなあと思った。」 'There are children and families who survived
the disaster, thanks to the help of the headmaster of the school, parents, and
the neighboring people. I was very
「日頃の準備、心がけが大事だと思った。」'I felt the importance of keeping in mind what we should be doing at the time of disaster.'
「学校に帰ったら、見たこと、聞いたことをできるだけ多くの人たちに伝えたい。」'I would like to share with as many people as I can what I saw and heard
this time.'
「太平洋をはじめて見て、感動した。」'I was so impressed to
see the Pacific Ocean for the first time!!'
「今まで親が一番怖いと思っていたけど、自然災害の恐ろしさを知った。」 'Until now I thought my parents were the
people I was so scared of, but now I realized the natural disaster is very
「東電の廃炉資料館で原発のことを学んで、難しかったけど、原子力のことが少しわかった。」'I learned many
things about the nuclear power at the TEPCO Decommissioning Museum, although
it was a bit difficult.'
福島第一原子力発電所の視察 Visit of Fukushima Number One Nuclear Power Station
札幌聖心女子学院の倉先生の関係で福島第一原子力発電所の視察が可能になり、仙台教区のエドガル・ガクタン司教さま、援助マリアと聖霊会のシスター、カリタス南相馬所長と全員で5名が参加されました。Thanks to Mr. Kura
from Sapporo Sacred Heart five members from Caritas Minamisoma were able to
visit the Nuclear Power Station.
子育て支援サポート Family Support program
今月も継続でお米、野菜、スポーツドリンク、レトルト食品等、ご寄付でいただいたものを配ることができました。感謝です。We continued to support the single parent families this month. We could share rice, vegetables, canned food, etc., that we received from various people. We are very grateful for the generous donation.
NPO「子どものつばさ」 Peace study tour for Junior High school students in Minamisoma