


野菜のご寄付   Donation of vegetables 

この冬にカリタス南相馬のためにいつも心を寄せてくださる方々から次々と野菜のご寄付をいただき感謝で一杯です。採りたての新鮮な大根、キャベツ、長ネギ、ブロッコリ、さつまいも、京人参、、、。 軽自動車一杯の野菜をカリタスのウッドデッキにどさっとおいてくださり、けた違いの分量に都会から来たものはびっくりです。愛知県の方からは段ボール箱一杯のブロッコリ、さつまいも!こちらも箱を開けてはびっくりの歓声!
This winter we are very grateful for the donation of various kinds of vegetables. Several times, our farmer friend in Minamisoma brought us Japanese radishes, Japanese leeks, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots... He brought them on his light truck and put them down on our wood deck. An incredible amount of vegetables!!! Those from big cities were just amazed! Another friend of ours in Aichi prefecture sent us boxes full of broccoli and sweet potatoes. We were just shouting for joy and surprise at the amount! 
Of course we shared those vegetables with our friends who came to Haramachi Catholic Church, with those single parent families whom we support, and with the technical intern trainees from abroad. We also prepared a bag of Christmas presents for them.

カリタスおかず  Making a side dish for the elderly people living in Odaka

A group of Magokoro Salon people came to Caritas Minamisoma kitchen early in the morning and cooked a side dish for 15 people. They put the dish in a lunch box and took the lunch boxes by car to Odaka before noon. 


Nice and warm winter clothes were also donated from various people.  The single parent families and the technical intern trainees were very grateful and happy to have them.


- クリスマスイベントとして、カリタス南相馬の所長の南原摩利さんは小高、浪江での演奏会に忙しくしています。Ms. Nanbara, head of Caritas Minamisoma, has been busy playing the piano at many places in Odaka and Namie together with a music band.

- 原町教会のクリスマスミサは24日は夕方5時半と7時半。25日は朝10時。      教会の外ににもクリスマスツリーを飾ってあります。
The Christmas Mass at Haramachi Catholic Church
December 24th at 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm
December 25th at 10:00 am

We are very grateful for your support by prayer throughout this year. Thank you very much. We wish you a Happy New Year.

(写真)小高のイルミネーション  Winter Festival - Odaka Illumination