

-  アナソフィア原町へ

Ana Sofia Marquez from Mexico is now in Minamisoma. She has been participating in all the volunteer activities that Caritas Minamisoma is connected to:
Monday Onigiri and soup making for the Sayuri Kindergarten
Tuesday Odaka English Conversation class
Wednesday Distributing rice and other things for the people in the restoration apartment houses
Thursday Magokoro Salon group at Caritas Minamisoma
Friday Visiting a Handicapped people's workshop
Saturday Outdoor activity in Odaka
Sunday Bible Study at Haramachi Catholic Church, followed by Mass
Sometimes attending a Japanese language class for foreigners in Haramachi
I have asked her to come to the Odaka English Conversation class every week.

My students are very happy and eager to speak in English. They introduce themselves in English before being asked to do it, and at the same time ask Ana about Mexico. I was very happy to see that. 


「冬の コンサート」を南相馬の数カ所で開いてくださり、皆、感動、感謝でした。薄田さんご夫妻と新しくチェロの高橋さんが加わり、美しい音色に心が豊かに なりました。5月にまた来てくださることになっています。
Susukida Music Ensemble came to play beautiful pieces in several places in Minamisoma, including Caritas Minamisoma and Haramachi Catholic Church.
We were all very blessed to listen to their performance. This time Ms. Takahashi, a cello player, joined Mr. and Mrs. Susukida. They promised us to come again in May.

- シスター有田とクレアの原町訪問

Sr. Yuka Arita and Clair visited Caritas Minamisoma. After the tour of the disaster area in Minamisoma, they had dinner with us. We enjoyed having them very much. Ana Sofia was happy to see Sr. Arita, who is one of the organizers of the International Volunteer Committee. 

- 小高の地元の方と白鳥


Swans in Odaka and the local people
I was excited to see the swans in Odaka river. They come every winter to Odaka.
One day I took a walk along the river and took many photos of them and showed the photos to my English Conversation class. "Swans? Where are they? Which river?" The river is right in front of them!! I was surprised at their reaction, but this is in a way a normal reaction for those who are so used to the migratory birds.