Technical intern trainees
This year again we
will continue supporting technical intern trainees. We share with them relief supplies that we
have received from many people. Many of them come to us on bicycles that were
given to them by the company.
福島の福祉関係の方々がカリタス南相馬を訪問。所長の南原さんから南相馬の現状、放射線の話を聞かれ、現地案内に参加されました。Welfare related people in Fukushima came to visit Caritas Minamisoma. They listened to the explanation on the current situation of Minamisoma and went on a tour of the disaster area.
韓国の聖霊会のシスターたち5名がカリタス南相馬を訪問。特に原発事故関係の話を聞かれ、現地視察に行かれました。福島に来られる前は放射能のことを心配されていたようですが、カリタス南相馬のボランティアセンターでスタッフ他が元気に活動しているのを見て、安心されたようです。これから少しずつ、韓国からシスターたちを福島に送りますとのことでした。Five Holy Spirit Sisters from Korea came to visit Caritas Minamisoma. They wanted to know mainly about the situation after the nuclear power plant accident. When they first heard about coming to Japan, they were worried about the radiation. After coming to us and seeing that we the staff members were working here all these years, they were relieved. It is really helpful to come and see, and hear directly from the people living here. They are now planning to send a group of Sisters to Minamisoma in the near future.
東京清瀬にある東星学園も先生方を順番に南相馬に送りますとのこと。今回は数学、社会科、理科の先生が来られました。感謝です。秋田の聖霊学園はすでに小学校から短大までの教職員全員が南相馬に来られました。コロナが少し下火になり、ボランティアの方々に来ていただけるようになりました。うれしいことです。Tosei Gakuen in Tokyo has been sending students every year to
Minamisoma. This year they sent us three
teachers, and are planning to send more teachers. We are grateful for that.
Seirei Gakuen in
Akita has already sent us about 100 faculty and staff, which is wonderful.
度々、南相馬に来てくださるグループ。今回も原町カトリック教会をはじめ小高、浪江のいろいろな施設で楽しい演奏を聞かせてくださいました。カリタス南相馬に泊っていてくださったので、夕食後にはリハーサルも楽しく、ぜいたくに聞かせていただきました。Susukida Music Group came to perform lovely music again. We were very happy. The group went around
many places in Minamisoma. As they
stayed at Caritas Minamisoma, we were lucky to be able to listen to their
rehearsal after supper every evening. A
very rich time!
手芸活動は相変わらずにぎやかに、お互いの作品を見ながら創作意欲を高められ、新しい作品に挑戦しました。今回は春のバッグ作りでした。A needlework group is also enjoying making small things and chatting. This time we made lovely bags with an atmosphere of spring.
毎年5月に若い人たち中心に行われるサムライフェス。原町の野馬追い祭場で今年も聖心女子大学の学生たち5名がボランティアとして参加しました。サムライの衣装を着けての模擬合戦、伝統舞踊、伝統武芸の披露などがあり、楽しい一日です。The Samurai Festival held at the Nomaoi field was again a fun time for
many young people. Five students from
the University of the Sacred Heart participated and fully enjoyed that
day. There were demonstrations of a mock
battle, various traditional Japanese folk dances and martial arts.
まごころサロンの方たちとカリタス南相馬のスタッフ他、希望者がいちご狩りに行きました。季節は終わりかけていましたが、楽しい一日を過ごされました。Magokoro Salon people and friends went for strawberry picking. The strawberry season was almost over, but
they all had a wonderful time.
昨年に続き、今年も南町の聖心会の家の庭でさゆり幼稚園の年長さんたち25人がさつまいもの苗を植えました。いつも畑を手伝ってくださる山本さんご夫妻のご指導で無事に終わりました。Sayuri kindergarten children planted the seedlings of sweet
potatoes. Mr. and Ms. Yamamoto helped
show them how to plant. We are grateful
to them.
Cello Concert at
ima City Azuma Sport Park
Five hundred
cellists, professional and amateur, gathered at the arena. Amazing!!
They used to come to
Fukushima before COVID-19 to show their support for the people in Fukushima. The following day they were divided into
small groups and went around many places and played beautiful pieces of
music. One group came to Haramachi
Catholic Church and to Sayuri Kindergarten.
The children were allowed to touch and try playing the cello.
Mary Auxiliatrice Sisters had their foundress' feast day. We had Mass at the convent in Odaka. The three Sisters renewed their vows and one
Sister celebrated her Golden Jubilee of joining the congregation.
Mr. Date from the Cook Islands
Once a year he comes and visits us while offering some volunteer
activities. This time his volunteer work
was in Tomioka and Okuma to look after the two cows that came from Hokkaido. The
work seemed to have been very hard, but he enjoyed it. When he shared about his life in the Cook
Islands, he told us an interesting story.
The full moon brings out many cats.
Many eels will come out on a full moon night. Cats love to eat eels. We did not know that.
A group of people offer footbaths
The group also used to come regularly to Minamisoma. They offered to give footbaths to the elderly
people while listening to their sharing of their experiences of the life after
the disaster in 2011. This time there
was one Mom with a four year old daughter.
最後になりますが、カリタスで長年スタッフとして音楽で皆を楽しませ、畑仕事で季節ごとに新鮮な野菜を作り、原町カトリック教会の花壇にきれいな花を咲かせ、ワタリガニを釣ってきてカリタスの夕食のテーブルをにぎわせ、、、とたくさんお世話になった山田雅之さんが5月8日に帰天されました。お祈りください。At the end of the newsletter, I would like to share the loss we had in May. Mr. Masayuki Yamada went to God on May 8th. He was a great musician who gave joy to many people. He worked in our Caritas Farm and produced many vegetables. He was the one who looked after the flowers of the Haramachi Catholic Church. He did so many things for us. We miss him so much.
As Covid-19 seems to have calmed down, we are happy to be able to accept many volunteers at Caritas Minamisoma.
Thank you for your continued support.