2015年4月から福島の便りをお届けし始めて100回目(このホームページでは途中からお届けし始めました)、 8年と4ヶ月。福島、特に原発事故の影響の大きかった浜通りの様子はこの12年で変わってきました。始めの頃のボランテイア活動の内容、ボランテイアに来てくださる方達の活動、現地案内で見る風景、被災された方々の生活、、、、そして2019年の台風、豪雨の被害、続いてコロナ禍での3年間。
I started writing this newsletter, 8 years and 4 months have passed! Thank you for your
support, reading every month what is happening in Minamisoma, especially around
Hamadori which was so greatly affected by the radiation. There are changes
over the past 12 years since the Triple Disaster of the East Japan Earthquake,
the big tsunami and the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.
activities that were needed right after the disaster, what we saw at the tour
of the disaster areas, the evacuation life of the local people,.and again the
damage caused by the Typhoon in 2019, and another big earthquake in 2022, and
There are of course good things. The JR Joban line is now fully restored and the Super Hitachi that goes from Sendai to Shinagawa is in service. Some farmers started cultivating their farmland, growing rice and other vegetables.
The areas will
never be the same as they were before the disaster. Restoration work is not fully done yet. The pain of the heart, the hard experiences,
can never be healed.
We at the Caritas
Minamisoma strongly feel the need to let people know of the actual current
situation of the disaster areas.
今月の来訪者 Visitors this month
July we had two big groups visiting us. One was a group from the Kamakura
Yukinoshita Catholic Church and the other was the Ashiyutai (foot massage
group). Both of them had been waiting for the COVID 19 to calm down.
We were all very happy to see our old friends.