
小高に震災前にあった「青葉寿司」。今はパン店とカフェ、貸しスペースを併設した交流拠点「アオスバシ」として誕生しました。移住者と地域住民の接点にとの思いで出来ました。大阪出身の森山貴士さん(代表)が2014年に南相馬市に移住し、2018年からはカフェを営んでいました。"Aoba Sushi" was in Odaka before the East Japan Great
Earthquake. Now it has been reborn as a base for exchanges named
"Aosubashi" with a bakery, a cafe, and a rental space. It was created
with the aim of making it the point of contact between migrants and the local
residents. Takashi Moriyama (representative) from Osaka moved to Minamisoma
City in 2014 and has been running a cafe since 2018.
足湯隊のメンバーが久しぶりに南相馬に来られ、あちこちの復興団地等での足湯のボランテイア活動をされました。以前との違いを感じられたようです。表情が明るくなった、家族で外出されている、服装にも心くばりが感じられるなど。生活に少し余裕がでてきたのかなと言われました。メンバーには毎日、訪問介護の仕事をしている女性、警察官など大分、奈良、埼玉、東京からの方々でした。Members of the footbath team came to Minamisoma for the first time in a long time and offered footbath activities in reconstruction apartment houses here and there. It seems that they felt the difference in the residents: the expressions on their faces have become brighter, some were going out with their family, they take more care about what they wear, etc. They may have more time to take care of their daily living. Among the members there was a housewife, a police officer, and a woman who works every day in home-visit nursing care, etc. They were coming from Oita, Nara, Saitama, and Tokyo.
飯舘長泥での除去土壌の再生利用を試みている水田試験エリアの見学にカリタスから5人参加しました。トウモロコシ、枝豆、米等の栽培に挑戦されていました。Five of us from Caritas Minamisoma participated in the tour of the paddy field test area, which was started to try to recycle the decontaminated soil in Iitate, Nagadoro, Fukushima. The area was one of the places that were seriously affected by the radiation. They were cultivating corn, soybeans, rice, etc. using the soil. They were also cultivating flowers.
今回の豪雨の被害をうけた秋田の聖霊女子短期大学付属高等学校 の手伝いに東星学園高校生、続いて京都暁星高校生が参加しました。カリタス南相馬でのボランテイア活動の予定を急遽変更して、原町に着くとすぐにカリタスの車で秋田に向かい、それぞれ2泊3日で活動してきました。屋根の修理を専門にしているチーム藤さんも応援に駆けつけ、南原さん、佐藤英男さん、アナも一緒に活動しました。Tosei Gakuen high school
students and Kyoto Gyosei high school students participated in helping at Akita
Seirei Gakuin, which was badly damaged by the heavy rain. The groups changed
the schedule of their volunteer activities in Caritas Minamisoma, and as soon
as they arrived in Haramachi, headed to Akita by a car of
Minamisoma. Both groups worked for 3
days. Team Fuji san, which specializes in roof repair, also rushed to support
Akita Seirei Gakuin. Ms. Nanbara, Mr. Hideo Sato, and Ana Sofia also worked
柳美里さん作・演出の演劇『JR常磐線上り列車 ―マスク― 』をカリタス南相馬から数名で見に行きました。いくつかの青年団、うさぎストライプ・青年団、青年座、青春五月党、福島県立ふたば未来学園高等学校演劇部が出演。
東日本大震災と東京電力福島第1原発事故で被災した福島県のJR常磐線沿線で「常磐線舞台芸術祭」が初めて開催され、作家の柳美里さんが発起人となり、「つなぐ」をテーマに掲げ、実行委員会は「分断を少しでもつなぎ、地域本来の美しさや魅力を体感してもらいたい」としていました。The play titled "JR Joban In-bound Train - Mask" written and
directed by Ms. Yu Miri was performed in a small theater in Odaka. A few of us
from Caritas Minamisoma went to see the play. Several youth groups, the Usagi Stripe Youth Group, the Youth Theater,
the Seishun May Party, and the Fukushima Prefectural Futaba Mirai Gakuen High
School Theater Club were in the play. The "Joban Line Performing Arts Festival" was held for the
first time along the JR Joban Line in Fukushima Prefecture, which was affected
by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Tokyo Electric Power Company's
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Yu Miri, a writer, became the
promoter, with the theme of "Tsunagu", or "Connect". The executive
committee said, "We want you to experience the original beauty and charm
of the area," he said.
広島学院高校2年生8名と3人の先生が来られました。コロナ前には毎年8月に1週間ごとに違うグループの高校生がボランテイアに来ていました。今回は久しぶりのこと。エネルギー溢れる高校生で主に小高での草刈り、さゆり幼稚園の園児の手伝い等、暑い中で大活躍。夕食後は地元の方々の話を聞く機会を設けていました。Eight second-year students and three teachers of Hiroshima Gakuin High
School came to Caritas Minamisoma. Before COVID-19, a different group of high
school students came to do some volunteer activities every week in August every
year. It was the first time after a long time. The high school students were
full of energy. Their work was mainly mowing grass in Odaka. They also helped
kindergarten children at Sayuri Kindergarten. They worked very hard in the hot
weather. After dinner every day they had the opportunity to listen to the
experiences of the local people.
テレビ、新聞で見聞きしていることとの違いを肌で感じて、実際に来てみて良かったとの感想でした。草刈りも機械ですれば早いけど、一本ずつ手で抜くことで直接土に触れ、自然の営みに触れられるという感想もありました。Some of the comments of the students: I felt the difference from what I had seen on TV and newspapers, and it was good that I came and saw with my own eyes. Another student said that using a device is faster, but doing something with our own hands, although it takes time, we touch the soil directly, pulling out the weeds by hand one by one, and we feel the activities of nature.
さゆり幼稚園の久しぶりの夏祭りに聖心女子大の学生たちが手伝いにきてくださいました。暑い中、園児たちとの遊びに大働きをしてくださいました。浜通りの現地も見学して、東京に帰られました。This summer Sayuri
Kindergarten had its summer festival for the first time after COVID-19. The students from the University of the
Sacred Heart came and helped with the festival, playing with the kids. On the
way back to Tokyo, they had the opportunity to have a tour of the disaster area.