

夏休みを利用して5つの高校生グループと2つの大学生グループが来られました。集中豪雨の被害を受けた秋田の聖霊女子短期大学付属高等学校の手伝いをお願いして,それぞれ2泊3日で参加されました。秋田での活動からカリタスに戻り、浜通りの現地案内をしてから帰られました。Taking advantage of their summer vacation, 5 groups of high school students and 2 groups of university students came. We asked them to go and help the Akita Holy Spirit School, which was badly damaged by the torrential rain. Each group stayed for 3 days and worked very hard. After coming back from Akita, they went on a tour of the disaster area on Hamadori and then went home.

小高の草刈りボランテイアで大働きをしてくださいました。初等科、中等科、高等科のお父様たち。娘が卒業してもOB会を作って来ますと嬉しいお言葉! Papas from Tokyo Sacred Heart came to Caritas Minamisoma to do volunteer work at Odaka. They did a lot of work at Odaka cutting grass in a couple of places. They were fathers of elementary, secondary, and high school students. One father is already thinking of having a Fathers group come to Minamisoma even after their daughters graduate.

度々、南相馬に来られてバイオリンのコンサートをしてくださっている武内良太朗さんが9月からイタリーで2年間バイオリンの勉強のため留学されることになりました。その前にお母様と共に洗礼を望まれ、8月末に原町教会で幸田司教さまから洗礼のめぐみを受けられました。Mr. Ryotaro Takeuchi, who often comes to Minamisoma and gives violin concerts, will study abroad for two years in Italy from September 2023. Before that, he and his mother wanted to be baptized and received baptism from Bishop Koda at Haramachi Catholic Church at the end of August.

アナは福島からはなれる時が近づき、山形、北海道、松島とあちこち新しくできたお友達に誘われて、有意義な日々を過ごしています。カリタス南相馬でのいつものボランティア活動に加えて、朝食、夕食の当番もとり、掃除、台所のふきん等の洗濯も頼まれて、忙しく働いています。合間を縫ってクラフトのグループにも参加して、きれいなバッグを作りました。 Now the time is approaching for Anna, an international volunteer from Mexico, to leave Fukushima. She is spending meaningful days visiting many places in the Tohoku area, invited by her new friends in Sendai. She has been to Yamagata, Hokkaido, and Matsushima. In addition to the usual volunteer activities at Caritas Minamisoma, she has been busy working. She has been asked to prepare breakfast and dinner for some days of the week, clean, and wash the kitchen cloths. In the meantime she joined a craft group at Caritas and made a beautiful bag.

東京のカトリック神学院から3人の神父さまと3人の神学生が東北の巡礼の旅の途中、カリタス南相馬に一泊されました。稲川圭三神父さま、林正人神父さま、浅井太郎神父さまです。Three priests and three seminarians from the Catholic Theological Seminary in Tokyo stayed overnight at Caritas Minamisoma during a pilgrimage to Tohoku. Fr. Keizo Inagawa, Fr. Masato Hayashi, and Fr. Taro Asai.

久しぶりに賑やかなカリタス南相馬になりました。We were happy to have many volunteers and visitors at Caritas Minamisoma for the first time in a long time.