― 命の行進 March for Life
3月10日、日本山妙法寺主催の恒例の命の行進にカリタス南相馬から5名参加しました。全行程は同慶寺から請戸海岸まででしたが、カリタスのメンバーは午後に他の予定があるため村上霊園での祈りの後、小高に戻りました。On March 10, five
members of Caritas Minamisoma participated in the annual March for Life
organized by Nipponzan Myohoji Temple. The whole route was
from Dokeiji Temple to Ukedo Beach, but Caritas members had other plans in the
afternoon, so after praying at Murakami Cemetery, we returned to Odaka.
― 原町カトリック教会でのミサは3月11日の10時、ミサの前に参加者一人ずつ、祭壇前にろうそくを灯しました。Mass at Haramachi Catholic Church was held on March 11 at 10:00 a.m. Before the Mass, each participant lit a candle in front of the altar.
― 同慶寺での合同追悼法要は3月11日の午後2時46分、南相馬市全域でのサイレンに合わせて行われました。The joint memorial service at Dokeiji Temple was held at 2:46 p.m. on March 11, to the sound of sirens in the whole Minamisoma area.
― 「いのちの光3.15フクシマ」主催のミサと講演
仙台教区のガクタン司教様司式のミサ。講演は新地の漁師の小野春雄氏。漁業に携わるものとして東電の原発事故による影響、地元の声を全く無視した国のやり方への怒りを話されました。人間が海の恩恵にどれだけ預かっているか、海に宿る神様に祈り続けてきた漁師たちの思いを語られました。 Mass and Talk hosted by a
group "Light of Life 3.15 Fukushima"The
chief celebrant of the Mass was Bishop Gacutan
of the Diocese of Sendai. The speaker was Mr. Haruo Ono, a fisherman from
Shinchi machi. As a fisherman, he spoke of his anger at the effects of the
TEPCO nuclear power plant accident and the way the government has completely
ignored the voices of the local community. How much benefit we humans receive
from the sea, and how much we pray to the God who dwells in the sea.
聖心女子大学学生の訪問 Visit of the University
of the Sacred Heart Students
上智大学学生の訪問(右から二人目は援助マリア修道会のシスター細川)Visit of Sophia University Students
「俺たちの伝承館」でのイベント Event at "Our
Legacy Hall"
作家、各地の助っ人、地元住民たちにより空き倉庫を改装した手作りの美術館。原発事故を伝えるアート作品が並ぶ。2023年7月にオープン。A handmade art museum in an empty warehouse renovated by artists, local residents, and supporters from around the country. Artworks conveying the nuclear power plant accident are displayed. It was opened in July 2023.
― 井上美和子氏の朗読劇 Recitation by Ms. Miwako Inoue
東日本大震災、東電の原発事故の被災者としての苦悩の13年。ご自分の体験を自作の10編以上のシナリオで語られた。迫力のある訴え。全国各地でも講演されているので、学校でもお願いできるようです。13 years of suffering as a victim of the Great East Japan Earthquake and TEPCO's nuclear power plant accident. She recounted her own experiences in more than 10 scenarios of her own composition. A powerful appeal. She has been sharing her experiences at various places in Japan, so if desired, schools can also ask her to give a talk.
― 蟻塚亮二氏の講演(精神科医)A talk by Dr. Ryoji
Arizuka (psychiatrist)
南相馬に関連死、若年層に見られる無気力、自死の増加。子どもも大人も辛い経験を話せる場が少ない。His talk was based on the data he has obtained through his involvement with
his patients as a psychiatrist. The
increase of the number of deaths related to the East Japan great earthquake and
the nuclear power plant accident, apathy seen in young people, and suicide.
There are few places where both children and adults can talk about their
painful experiences openly.
ウクライナの子どもたちの絵画展 Ukrainian Children's Art
貸し出しができるそうなので小学校、中学校等で希望があれば申し込むことができます。Ms. Tomoko Kobayashi of
Futabaya Ryokan in Odaka held an exhibition of paintings. Ms. Kobayashi has
been in contact with Chernobyl after the TEPCO nuclear power plant accident.
More than 100 paintings are on display. The exhibition of the paintings is
available for loan, so elementary schools and junior high schools can apply for
it if they wish.
浪江の青田荘オープン Opening
of Aotaso in Namie
サレジアンシスターズのシスター稲川が、ご自分のふるさとである浪江で新しいプロジェクトを、以前から浪江の駅近くにあった青田荘をベースに4月から始められる。原町、小高の方達との顔合わせということで夕食パーテイーに招かれた。30名ほどの参加。昨年、結婚された小高在住の根本夫妻(南原摩利さん)のお祝いもかねて。Sister Inagawa, a Salesian Sister, has started a new project in her hometown, Namie, and will begin her activities in April based on Aotaso, which had been located near Namie Joban line train station. We were invited to a dinner party to meet people of Namie so that all of us from Haramachi and Odaka can get to know one another. About 30 people attended. The party was also a celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Nemoto (Ms. Mari Nanbara), who got married November last year in Odaka.
シスター畠中送別会 ご復活の日の夕食の時に、シスター畠中千秋の送別会を行う予定です。Farewell party for Sr. Hatanaka will be held on the Easter Sunday supper time.
Have a blessed Easter!