

― カリタス食堂 

 次回に向けて、また、準備を始めます。We had scheduled a Caritas Dinner on August 14th for elderly neighbors and those living alone. Unfortunately, it was during the Obon season and coincided with a local summer festival, and only Caritas Minamisoma staff members were able to enjoy the meal. We will start preparing for the next time.

― ウクライナとのつながり Connection with Ukraine

 チェルノビルの事故の時からウクライナとの関わりを続けている南相馬市の小高駅前の双葉屋旅館の小林友子さん、杉田和人さんのおかげで東京聖心の児童たちとウクライナ、ジトーミルの子どもたちとの交流ができるようになりました。 Thanks to Ms. Tomoko Kobayashi and Mr. Kazuto Sugita of Futabaya Ryokan in front of Odaka Station in Minamisoma City, who have been involved with Ukraine since the Chernobyl accident, we are now able to have exchanges between the children of Tokyo Sacred Heart primary school and those in Zhitomir, Ukraine. 

子どもたちが戦禍の中でも子どもらしい遊び、楽しみを味わえるようにとウクライナの学校の先生たちはいろいろと工夫をされています。子どもたちがそれぞれの辛い思い、寂しい思いを心に溜め込まず、表現できるように絵を描いたり、歌や踊り、遠足などを計画されています。ウクライナの学校の先生たちに子どもたちに必要なものを伺って、先日は文房具などを初等科の児童たちが送り、無事に届いて喜んでいただけました。Ukrainian school teachers are trying their best to provide children with opportunities to play and have fun in a childlike way, even in the midst of war damage. They are trying to help children express their feelings of pain and loneliness without keeping them inside. They plan activities such as painting, singing, dancing, and field trips. Just before the summer break, the primary school children of Tokyo Sacred Heart school sent to the children of Ukraine two boxes of stationery that their teachers suggested to us. The two boxes arrived there safely and they were much appreciated.

― 出前講座 On Demand Lecture

 今回は手作りの楽器で音楽を楽しむという出前講座で、子どもたちに喜ばれたようです。 Caritas Minamisoma members are registered for On Demand Lectures in Soma City. Music-related, pastel art classes, etc. This time, some members of Caritas Minamisoma offered a music program for children. They enjoyed music with handmade musical instruments, which was well received by the children.

― 「今伝えたいこと」 舞台収録 Documentary film of a performance "What we want to tell you now"
 当時、高校生の声はなかなか聞いてもらえることがなく、どれだけ苦しい思い、悔しい思いをしたかを演じたもので、大人の責任を問いかけるもの、国の政策に疑問を投げかけるもので迫力がありました。当時、放送部に関わっていた相馬高校の先生の話も聞くことができました。We had an opportunity to see a documentary film of a performance by high school students of the broadcasting club of Soma High School 10 years ago. They performed what they felt as high school students at the time of the TEPCO nuclear power plant accident that occurred in 2011. At the time, it was difficult for high school students to have their voices heard, and the performance showed how much pain and frustration they felt. The performance was powerful because it questioned the responsibility of adults and questioned the government's policies.

― 京都暁星高校生ボランティア Kyoto Gyosei High School Volunteers

 暑い中、南町の聖心会の家の庭の草抜きをしてくださいました。感謝です。In the heat of the day, they pulled weeds in the garden of our Sacred Heart community in Minamimachi. We are very grateful for them.