

― カリタス食堂 Caritas Kitchen

 8月28日に今月2回目のカリタス食堂。今回はさゆり幼稚園の預かり保育関係の親子が対象で大人20名子供15名が来られました。前回のリクエストに応えてのハンバーグとポテトサラダ、デザートには地元の農家さんからいただいたスイカ。皆さん、喜んでくださいました。シェフの幸田司教様の指導のもと、2キロ近くのひき肉に豆腐、卵、玉ねぎなどを入れながらしっかりこねて45個くらいのハンバーグ作りに挑戦しました。富山からの長井綾香さんも参加され、大きな助けでした。On August 28, Caritas Kitchen was held for the second time this month. This time, 20 adults and 15 children from Sayuri Kindergarten came. In response to a request from last time, we served hamburgers and potato salad, and for dessert, watermelon from a local farmer. Everyone was delighted. Under the guidance of Bishop Koda, the chef, we prepared about 45 hamburgers by kneading nearly 2 kg of minced meat with tofu, eggs, onions, and other ingredients. Ms. Ayaka Nagai from Toyama also participated and was a great help.

― さゆり幼稚園夏祭りではカリタス南相馬はカレーライスとアイスコーヒー、ミニバザーで協力しました。Caritas Minamisoma cooperated in the Sayuri Kindergarten Summer Festival with curry rice, iced coffee, and a mini-bazaar.

― 原町カトリック教会主催の子ども会 Children's party hosted by Haramachi Catholic Church

 9月7日の子供会に聖心女子大の学生たちが手伝いに来てくださいました。2泊3日カリタス南相馬泊。所長の根本摩利さんの現地案内もありました。「ノアの方舟作り」を子どもたちと一緒にしました。 Students from the University of the Sacred Heart came to help with the children's party on September 7. They stayed at Caritas Minamisoma for 3 days. Ms. Mari Nemoto, Head of Caritas Minamisoma gave them a tour of the area. They made"Noah's Ark"with the children.

―コヤギファーム ぶどう収穫     Koyagi Farm, grape harvest

  Ms. Ayaka Nagai from Toyama and Mr. Une, staff member, went to Koyagi Farm in Odaka to help harvest grapes. The grapes were called Black Queen, a type of grape that is for making wine. Ms. Nagai also went to a facility for the handicapped. She had a very busy day putting name tapes on tulip bulbs to meet a deadline.

―小高英会話 Odaka English Conversation class

 8月中は夏休み。9月3日に再開。賑やかに夏休みにしたことの分かち合いを英語でしました。After the summer break for the month of August, the conversation class resumed on September 3. The students enthusiastically shared in English what they had done during the summer break.  

―出前講座パステルアート Pastel Art Class

 障害者の施設の「ビーンズ」で2回目の依頼がありました。The instructor received a request for the second time from "Beans," a facility for people with disabilities.
 カリタス憩いカフェでもパステルアートで熱帯魚の絵を楽しみました。At Caritas Resting Café, the participants enjoyed drawing tropical fish using pastels. 

―「おれたちの伝承館」 訪問者  "Oretachi no Denshokan" Visitors

灘高等学校、神戸女子大 大阪体育大学、和歌山信愛女子短期大学(副学長)、日本大学、東京大学、慶應義塾大学、早稲田大学。
 兵庫県内17校の希望高校生、イスラエル(ガザ近郊)保養のため20人が早稲田大学生30人と交流。サレジオ学院高等学校、フェリス女学院大学、立命館大学、同志社大学、立教大学、、、、。 High school and university students, researchers, people involved in education, and people involved in the nuclear power industry from all over Japan have visited the museum for the past couple of months.
Nada High School in Kansai, Kobe Women's University, Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wakayama Shinai Women's Junior College (Vice President), Nihon University, University of Tokyo, Keio University, Waseda University, etc.
Those interested high school students from 17 schools in Hyogo Prefecture, Salesian High School, Ferris University, Ritsumeikan University, Doshisha University, Rikkyo University, also visited the place.

―東京聖心女子学院の初等科の児童たちとウクライナのジトウミルの小学校とのつながり、子供達に日本からのプレセントが届きました。一週間前はロシアからのドローン攻撃で怖い思いをしてシェルターに避難していたためプレゼントの手渡しが遅れましたが、9日に無事に手元にわたりました。小学校2年生。嬉しそうな笑顔にホッとします。The elementary school children of Tokyo Sacred Heart School are now connected with elementary schools in Zhitoumir, Ukraine, and the children received presents from Japan. A week ago, they were so scared and afraid of drone attacks from Russia and had to evacuate to a shelter, which delayed the handing over of the gifts, but they were safely delivered to the children on the 9th. The second graders in the elementary school were so happy to receive the gifts. We are also happy and relieved to see their happy smiles.