― カリタス食堂 Caritas Kitchen
2回目はチキンカレーライス。26名の参加。大人のお喋りの場所、子どもたちの遊びの場所になっていることの大切さを感じさせられました。「毎回楽しみにしています」という声に励まされます。理事の方も1人、ボランテイアとして参加してくださいました。原町高校の生徒も1人、見学を兼ねて手伝いに来てくださいました。2回目にはスタッフ、ボランティア全員お揃いの赤いエプロン。The menu of October
9th was fried chicken with salad. 14 people attended.
We decided to limit
the number of participants to 30. It was a friendly gathering with grandma,
grandpa and the whole family participating.
The second time on
October 23rd the menu was chicken curry and rice with 26 participants. We were
reminded of the importance of this event as a place for adults to chat and for
children a space to play. We are encouraged by the comments, "We look forward
to it every time." One board member also participated as a volunteer. A student
from Haramachi High School also came to observe and help out. All the staff and
volunteers wore red aprons for the first time.
― さゆり幼稚園運動会 Sports Day and sweet potato harvesting of Sayuri Kindergarten
来年度はさゆり幼稚園が移転することになり、今回がカトリック原町教会とカリタス南相馬と同じ敷地での最後の運動会になりました。秋晴れの素晴らしい天気に恵まれ、園児たちの旗のガード、玉入れ、走ったり、踊ったりと元気いっぱいの半日でした。両親、祖父母の応援もあり、恵まれた子供達です。さつまいも掘りも最後になりましたが、見事な収穫でした。This was the last Sports Day at the same site as Catholic Haramachi Church and Caritas Minamisoma, as Sayuri Kindergarten will be relocated next year. Blessed with beautiful autumn weather, it was a half day event as the kindergartners guarded the flags, threw balls, ran, and danced. The children were blessed with the support of their parents and grandparents. The sweet potato harvesting was again the last one to go, but it was a magnificent harvest.
― Ms.Naya Todd
2018年に聖心インターナショナルスクールを卒業したNaya Toddが今、日本に来ているのでぜひカリタスを訪ねたいとの嬉しいメールが届き、10月8−10日来てくださいました。2018年の9月に一度来たことがあり、日本語もできるので、前にお会いしたことのある地元の方ともおしゃべりができました。カリタス南相馬のスタッフの方に現地案内をしていただき、6年前との違いも見ることができて、喜んで帰りました。Ms.Naya Todd, who graduated from the International School of the Sacred Heart in 2018, is now in Japan for some time. She contacted us saying she would love to visit Caritas again. She was able to chat with some of the locals she had met before. The staff of Caritas Minamisoma gave her a tour of the disaster area. She was grateful for the opportunity to see the differences from 6 years ago.
― ウクライナとの交流 Exchange with Ukraine
いつも通訳をしながら私たちを繋げてくださるMs. Donchevaと最初の1時間は子どもたちがパワーポイントでそれぞれの学校の紹介と、お互いに用意してきた質問に答えるセッション。後半の1時間では東京聖心は教職員、ウクライナは高校生と先生方との話し合い。実は前日にMs. Donchevaからのメールで今、戦争の攻撃が激しくなり、もしかしたら、ズームの途中で警戒警報がなり、避難しなければならなくなるかもしれない。その旨、児童たちにもそのことを伝えておいて欲しいということで、かなり心配しました。幸い、何事もなく終わりました。そのような状況の中で、ウクライナの先生方は学校紹介のためにたくさんの写真、ビデオを用意してくださり、明るく、冗談を交えながらの交流会ができたことに感動、感謝しています。次回は東京聖心も高校生を交えての交流ができたらと楽しみにしています。
This was the second
exchange meeting between Tokyo Sacred Heart elementary school students,
faculty, and staff and students from three Ukrainian schools, who met again in
Zoom on October 16. From Tokyo Sacred Heart, about 30 children ( 5th and 6th
graders ) participated. From Ukraine, students and teachers from elementary and
high schools.
Ms. Doncheva is the
one who always connects us as a translator.
The first one hour, the children introduced their schools in a Power
Point session and answered each other's questions that they had prepared.
The second one hour, the teachers and staff from Tokyo Sacred Heart and
the staff and the high school students from Ukraine shared some thoughts and
ideas. The day before this meeting, Ms.
Doncheva had sent us an e-mail informing that the war had intensified and that
they might have to evacuate during the meetin due to an alert. She asked us to
inform the children about this and we were quite worried. Fortunately,
everything ended without any interuption. Under such circumstances, the
Ukrainian teachers prepared many photos and videos to introduce their school,
and we were impressed and grateful for the cheerful and joking exchange
meeting. We look forward to the next exchange meeting with high school students
at Tokyo Sacred Heart as well.
― ボランティアスタッフとして、10年カリタス南相馬のためにお尽くしくださったSさんが9月末をもって神奈川に戻られました。今は、能登の災害支援として活躍されています。Mr. S returned to Kanagawa at the end of September after serving at Caritas Minamisoma for 10 years as a volunteer staff. He is now serving as a disaster relief volunteer in Noto.
― 南相馬社会福祉協議会ボランティアフェスティバル
Council of Social Welfare Volunteer Festival