

― カリタス食堂 Caritas Kitchen

We had Caritas Kitchen twice in January.
Pork curry with rice on the 8th, fried chicken and carrot salad on the 22nd.

For dessert we had chocolate cake on the 22nd. 

― ウクライナの子どもたち Ukrainian Children

Children in Ukraine, with whom the children of Tokyo Sacred Heart have been continuing exchange activities.
Warm socks sent from Tokyo Sacred Heart for Christmas arrived safely.

They have been distributed to several kindergartens and elementary schools. The lovely smiles of the Ukranian children fill our hearts with warmth and happiness. 

― コンコルデイア活動しばらくお休み Concordia activity will have a break for a while


We have decided to take a break from the Concordia activities, which we have continued for a long time as a church handicraft circle. The leader and the participants are getting older. It is sad for those who used to look forward to making beautiful works of art while chatting with each other. Some of them say that their eyesight has deteriorated, they cannot move their hands as much as they would like, their shoulders are stiff, their necks ache, and so on. We would like to think of a different way to get together. 

― 小高英会話の新年会 New Year's Party of Odaka English Conversation class


New Year's party at the English conversation class with elderly people in Odaka. We had lunch together at a nearby restaurant. They are a lovely fun group.  

― シスター長谷川のご実家からピアノ

シスター長谷川のご実家からピアノがカリタス南相馬に届きました。99歳で亡くなるまで60年位、お母さまが弾いておられたピアノだそうです。An upright piano from Sr.Hasegawa family arrived at Caritas Minamisoma on January 25. Sr. Hasegawa's mother played the piano for about 60years until when she went to heaven at the age

of 99. 

― カリタス憩いカフェ Caritas IKOI (Relaxation) Cafe


Once a month, we invite elderly people from the neighborhood to Caritas Minamisoma and enjoy handicrafts, pastel art, etc. 

― 舟越保武氏の彫刻 A Bronze Sculpture Collection at Minamisoma City Museum

An exhibition of a collection of modern and contemporary sculptors was held at the Minamisoma City Museum.

I went to see the works of Yasutake Funakoshi. For the first half part of the exhibition there were two pieces of Yasutake Funakoshi: "St. Clara" and "The Castle of Hara". 

―「グループホーム・ショートステイえんじゅの家」Group Home/Short Stay Enju no Ie

A home for people with severe disabilities was established in Kashima, Kashima-ku. Seven residents have already been selected, and four people are available for a short stay. It is a beautiful and sunny building.

I went to the Open House to see it.