折々のみことば 6月
6月はみこころの月、6月16日はみこころの祝日で聖心会会員はミサの中で誓願の更新をいたします。聖心会の会憲に書かれている会のミッションーみこころの愛を伝えることー を多くの方々とご一緒に味わい、深めることができたらよいと思います。キリストの死と復活はみこころの愛の最高のしるしです。
聖体祭儀は、世が生きるために、自分を父に捧げられたイエズスの捧げものに、私たちを引き込んで行きます。そして、イエズスの体の裡に、私たちをひとつに集めるのです。」(会憲 5)
June is the month of the Sacred Heart, and on Friday June 16th, the religious of the Sacred Heart around the world will renew their vows, their commitment to the Society. Together with you all, we would like to deepen the understanding of the mission of the Society, to make known the revelation of God's love. His death and resurrection is the highest way of showing His love
"Through the Eucharist we enter into the mystery of the open side of Jesus.
In our daily life, the Eucharist celebrates His death and resurrection,
the reality which lies at the heart of the sufferings and hopes of the human family.
Through the Eucharist we are drawn into the gift of Jesus to His Father for the sake of the world, and in His Body we are gathered into one." (Constitutions #5)